Lab Coats & Life™

Resources to Help Scientists Thrive

Helping you to stay informed about relevant trends, useful soft skills, and important efforts from within the scientific community.

Browse the links below to find engaging articles, free downloadable toolkits, and Q&As with our Lab Coats & Life™ Podcast guests. You’ll find information about being efficient in your scientific life, making the most of conferences, communicating effectively, organizing your lab, and much more.

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Downloadable Resources

Browse the collection of downloadable content below for templates and checklists to help you organize your time, prepare for a conference or networking event, and more.

Reagent label templates, planning templates, protocol templates and more.
Networking tips, presentation do's and don'ts, LinkedIn best practices, and more.
Attendance sheet template, presentation checklist, feedback form template, and more.

Scientist working in the lab

Efficient Tools and Technologies for Life Science Research

Accomplish more in less time and with less effort by making smarter choices for the tools you use in the lab, including cell isolation and cell culture technologies.